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Why Children Who Daydream do Better in School... the answer will surprise you.

The 7 Essential's: #1 - A Culture of Vision

The younger the child the more brilliant they are at playing, "make believe." The whole universe is at their disposal as they passionately roll play through their next adventure. Whether it be jumping from couch to couch to avoid the hot lava flow or playing house with an assortment of dollies and stuffed animals, children are the masters of their world.

This is actually a powerful problem-solving skill that is often lost as children grow up and enter life in the real world.

Our first building block in the Rhinehart Heirarchy of People Empowerment (RHOPE) strategy creates a culture of vision. Vision helps to answer the question “Who Am I?” This building block teaches children how to believe in themselves.

We create this culture in our homes by using words of affirmation. Just by pointing out your child’s strengths and complimenting their efforts, we create a desire within them to want to do even better! That desire, leads to vision for how to do better. Daydreams that are fueled by the power to succeed become strategic problem-solving sessions.

Children need the ability to dream because dreams direct their lives. When we teach children how to dream, we are actually teaching them how to create solutions. Einstein said, "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

There are no limitations to what children can do if they learn to dream.

Your Action Item

Your action item is to affirm your child every day. Tell them that you believe in them. Tell them how wonderful they are. Shower them with praise. Be their cheerleader. Remind them that they can do anything.

This tool defuses peer pressure through self-esteem because children who like themselves, are far less likely to be pressured into being like someone else.

All my best,


There are 7 Essential Elements required for children to be emotionally safe. When these are satisfied, your children are much less likely to subcome to peer pressure because they are empowered with tools to meet their emotional needs. We call these 7 Elements The RHOPE Strategy; Rhineharts Heirarchy of Peer Empowerment.

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